TCP Monitoring – How does it function?

TCP Monitoring: An Overview

One of the most essential network device monitors is TCP Monitoring. When a device responds to a ping, we can assume it is connected to the network and proceed to the next step, which is to confirm the availability of the required services. The services provided by a network device are all accessible via ports. They can then be reached via TCP or UDP.

By enabling TCP Monitoring, you may determine whether a service is accessible on a certain port on the network device. For instance, every website is hosted by a web service provider. These services can be accessed by default on ports 80 (non-secure) or 443 (secure). We can therefore check to see if the network device’s web server service is TCP-accessible by setting a TCP Monitor on port 80.

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What is TCP/IP?

Nobody can deny how amazing the Internet is! But it’s the result of a lot of developments and smart creations. So every time it improves somehow, the reason is, a technology or group of technologies behind it have really achieved the next level. 

What is TCP/IP?

TCP/IP is a combination of two protocols, the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol. It is a set of rules that are crucial for everyone involves to communicate within and across networks. 

FTP and HTTP: How they differ?

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