
DNS CAA record – everything you need to know

The DNS CAA record helps domain name owners to take control over SSL certificates. You can decide which CA is allowed to issue them and also what kind of type of certificate. 

The DNS CAA record was first described in 2013. From September 2017, Certificate Authorities are required to check it before issuing any certificate. So let’s explain a little bit more about it.

Here you can find more detailed information about the DNS CAA record!

DNS CAA record explained

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TCP Monitoring – How does it function?

TCP Monitoring: An Overview

One of the most essential network device monitors is TCP Monitoring. When a device responds to a ping, we can assume it is connected to the network and proceed to the next step, which is to confirm the availability of the required services. The services provided by a network device are all accessible via ports. They can then be reached via TCP or UDP.

By enabling TCP Monitoring, you may determine whether a service is accessible on a certain port on the network device. For instance, every website is hosted by a web service provider. These services can be accessed by default on ports 80 (non-secure) or 443 (secure). We can therefore check to see if the network device’s web server service is TCP-accessible by setting a TCP Monitor on port 80.

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What is the purpose of UDP?

UDP is the topic for our article today. We will explore it in detail – what is its purpose, how it works, and why is it so beneficial. So, let’s start. 

UDP – what does it mean?

UDP means User Datagram Protocol. It is a well-known communications protocol that provides a high-speed solution. It is used to create low-latency and loss-tolerant connections between different Internet services.

The User Datagram Protocol speeds up the communication process by allowing data to be transferred before the receiver agrees. As a result, for time-sensitive communications such as DNS lookups, Voice over IP (VoIP), video, or audio transfers, User Datagram Protocol is the recommended alternative.

Why does DNS prefer UDP?

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Understanding the Dig command

Dig command – What is it, and what is it used for?

The Dig command is software with a command-line interface (CLI) that is designed for domain probing. The short abbreviation “Dig” stands for Domain Information Groper. It is a very helpful tool that can be used on devices with almost every operating system (OS), like macOS and Linux. 

Through the Dig command, you have the ability to perform different types of DNS queries and receive valuable information about the DNS records, such as A, AAAA, MX, SOA, NS, or complete a Reverse DNS lookup and check PTR records. 

You could utilize the command and inspect for difficulties that are related to your domain or the services you apply, such as email or FTP.

How does the Dig command work?

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What is the Primary DNS zone?

DNS is the magic that allows the Internet to function. It helps people and computers to communicate, even though they speak very different languages. The people speak with names and the computers with IP addresses and codes. Now we will examine one element of that “magic” – the Primary DNS zone!

What is the Primary DNS zone?

The Primary DNS zone is an administrative unit of the DNS that permits control on the part (zone) that the upper level in the DNS hierarchy allowed it. A higher-level administrator delegates zones to lower levels. The Root servers to TLD servers, the TLD servers to Primary Authoritative name servers (secondary domain name), etc.

How to create a Primary (Master) DNS zone?

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What is DNS poisoning (DNS spoofing)?

Through a DNS poisoning attack, a hacker replaces the address of a legitimate website with a fake one. Once achieved, that hacker can steal delicate knowledge, like passwords and numbers of an account. The hacker can also deny loading your site, which is spoofed.

Methods of DNS Poisoning

What does DNS poisoning mean?

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DNS cache explained

DNS cache – What does it mean?

The DNS cache is a kind of temporary cache memory that DNS resolvers and different devices have. Inside that memory are stored earlier applied DNS records of searched domain names. These records hold the IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) of the domain names and their subdomains, also data about their email server, information for their services, authentication and verification data, and more. All of the information is going to be stored inside the DNS cache. As we mentioned, it is going to be only for a particular amount of time which is defined by the TTL (Time to Live) value that each DNS record has.

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What is TCP/IP?

Nobody can deny how amazing the Internet is! But it’s the result of a lot of developments and smart creations. So every time it improves somehow, the reason is, a technology or group of technologies behind it have really achieved the next level. 

What is TCP/IP?

TCP/IP is a combination of two protocols, the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol. It is a set of rules that are crucial for everyone involves to communicate within and across networks. 

FTP and HTTP: How they differ?

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What is the purpose of TTL?

Time is a factor permanently present in our lives. It can be stressful, but it’s an efficient way to organize and control different aspects. The idea of chaos sometimes sounds exciting, but being realistic, it’s not viable when it’s about keeping a network running smoothly. That’s why TTL exists!

What’s TTL?

TTL, or time-to-live, is a mechanism to define the period of time for data to keep living, meaning being valid, stored, or to keep traveling on computers or networks. Once the TTL value defined by the administrators to those data expires, they get discarded.

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​FTP vs HTTP – differences

Have you ever thought about the differences between FTP vs HTTP, and why do we use HTTP for the World Wide Web? Now you will have your answer. 

​What is FTP?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and it is a protocol that allows file transfer between two different hosts (devices) using the TCP/IP protocol. It is using the client-server model, where one of the hosts is called a remote host (server) and needs FTP software to be a server, and the other is called a local host (client) with FTP client’s software. Both of them need to be connected and configure to use the FTP protocol for communication.

​FTP is used for:

Continue reading “​FTP vs HTTP – differences”

Understanding Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)

IP address – What is it?

The IP (Internet Protocol) address helps with identifying most of the elements inside a network. Each device, laptop, computer, smartphone, etc., requires an IP address to successfully connect to a private network. Also, when we are talking about connecting to the Internet, we have the same case. The user is receiving a public IP address provided by an Internet service provider (ISP). For the purpose of operating accurately, servers also have a public IP address.

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